Thursday, February 14, 2008

Good Morning

Salutations to the Father of the Nation.
I believe that you can't make a Mithunda fan love Kukunoor movies by showing him loads of Kukunoor ones. Its the character of a person, his upbringing, his persona that define the kind of taste he exhibits. This taste is reflected in most of the choices that we make as a person through our lives.
I saw a program to be telecast tonight on CNN IBN called as "Did Gandhiji's death go in vain?". Being an ardent blogger as well as someone who adores and admires the Mahatma such programs and the increasing debate with regards to the relevance of the Mahatma in recent times has compelled me to write this up.
Love and Truth. Are they relevant in today's times? When won't they be ? Infact they are more relevant than ever before. With a well educated, affluent and growing middle class this is just natural. The dilemma of the geat Indian middle class is that even though it itches to get to the upper echelons of society, it fails to do so and since going down isn't an option, it prides itself by scorning wealth and living by the values. Thats why I think that this middle class believes in and lives by the ideals of the Mahatma and a large and shrinking section of the society actually understands and loves what he stood for. And for those who don't I'll cite the Kukunoor example.

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