Saturday, June 03, 2006

Vacations Bore

Haven't read a single book since my exams ended. Didn't have the time. I was so busy providing the unheeded and yet seemingly much needed "Moral Support" to all the candidates appearing for placements that I barely had the time to eat and drink. It was a hectic and yet not an entirely absorbing schedule. The sole beneficial outcome of the whole exercise was that I saw all of my friends getting placed in different companies of repute all around the country. The pitfalls of not 'reading' infact 'doing' enough are that you dry up while blogging and then you have to resort to writing trivia as I am doing right now.

Just joined a gymnasium and so I have been working out every morning since the last one week. In the beginning it was really painful but now that pain has given way to finely tuned muscles and slowly but steadily my body has been responding as it gets transformed into a well oiled machine walking, working and moving with that subtle prowess. Seemingly like a lion on its haunches.

I have also brought a collection of books from the college library to read as I intend to blog every single day of my vacation. Those are my grand plans for the vacation. Hope I do everything I intend to and more. I hate studies and yet I agree vacations bore.

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