Thursday, August 28, 2008

Forward Fascination

Its a love story born of boredom and desperation. Its a love story that helps spawn other love stories. I have been on the internet since nearly a decade now, but my dependence and love for forwards has never been stronger. Bench period has provided me with the time and patience for going through all the forwards. Some of the reasons I love forwards.
1. Excellent source of General Knowledge.
2. Best tool to make your presence felt. I've known people whom I miss when they don't send me forwards.
3. Helps remember all the Days-Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, Family,Earth, Sun, Moon, Ocean and Friendship days - though I suspect that the latter seems to be cropping up just about every month. And since its all on e-mail, I never forget sending cards for the same. :-)
4. Helps revise all the wonders of the world. The 7 ancient wonders, 7 modern wonders, 7 engineering wonders, 7 engineering blunders and a whole lot of lists of all wonders everywhere.
5. Helps keep us updated with the latest news.
6. Forwards help us move forward with all the beauties who probably wouldn't give you a second glance but would adore all your forwards.
7. And last but not the least. It helps me say - Am busy.

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